Celebrate what your body CAN do!

Celebrate your amazing body and all the things it can accomplish. Flip your mindset and see how it changes your life. Janet Smith BeBlessed Health and Fitness.

Do you celebrate what your body CAN do?
Or, do you focus on what it can't do?

If you identified with the second, what if you flipped that to the first?

How would that change how you look at your workout? Your nutrition? Your weight loss journey?

Our bodies are amazing! They carry us through life every single day. Even if all your body did today was get you out of bed and keep you breathing, celebrate it! 🎉

Once you celebrate, try challenging yourself a little bit but don't beat yourself I about things you can't do. If you keep trying, you get stronger and what was once your workout, will someday become your warm up. 💪

I've been there! I know it's possible.

Today wasn't easy but day 47/80 .
And I very well may go get tacos now. :)

If you're looking for a challenge, join me for a free 10-day fitness challenge starting September 10. Message me or comment below for the deets. It's totally free! 10 days. 15 minutes or less per day. No equipment needed. Suitable for all fitness levels.

Seriously...you CAN! The time is NOW! You are worth it. 💕


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