Garlic Butter Asparagus

Garlic Butter Asparagus healthy recipe from Janet Smith BeBlessed Health and Fitness

Looking for an quick, easy, yet delicious veggie side dish. Look no further!
1 stalk of asparagus (thinner are normally more tender)
2 tbsp butter
3 garlic cloves, minced
Salt and Pepper, to taste
Squirts of lemon juice, optional

Cut the bottom of the asparagus (about 1/2 inch).
Heat skillet on medium high. Melt butter (be careful not to burn it).
Once butter is melted, sautee the garlic under browned.
Add asparagus. Toss to combine well with garlic.
Add salt and pepper to taste and lemon juice if desired.
When asparagus is tender and just cooked, remove from heat and serve.


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