I'm an Introvert

Being an introvert won't keep me from my dreams. Janet Smith BeBlessed Health and Fitness.

I'm an introvert. Did you know that?
I like to call myself an extroverted introvert. I can handle myself pretty well in social situations. I don't hide in my house and I like being around people. But, after a while, I get exhausted and I just need some "me time".
I wasn't a big sharer on social media. I was a big watcher but I didn't share a lot. I still hate being the center of attention. Seems crazy right since I'm constantly posting selfies now.
You see me coming into your newsfeed every day, sharing my workout and trying to inspire you to live your healthiest life so I'm betting that news might come as a surprise.
It's still not easy but it's gotten a lot easier as I stretch myself out of my comfort zone. Or, rather, as God has stretched me.
He gave me a passion and a purpose to help people like you live their best life. Through that, I've had to speak in public (yes, I still hate it), share my story on social media, and be vulnerable (still struggling with that one).
I'm growing every day through the obstacles, my own self-limiting beliefs and His love and guidance. I don't know exactly where this journey will take me but I know it will be a heck of a ride to get there.
If we're not growing we're dying. Sometimes we choose to grow. Sometimes it gets forced on us. Either way, it's a stepping stone towards the person we were meant to be.
Live every day striving to be that person who God created you to be!

Are you living your best life? Maybe helping others live a healthy life could be your passion too. Want to learn more? Tell me a little about you.


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