Perfect Doesn't Exist
All of the weights, loops, sliders and a couple of dog bones!
Today was kinda brutal. Mostly because I did a double workout yesterday.
😱 I'm trying to get ahead of some upcoming travel so I don't get too far behind. I want to finish this program ON TIME without missing a day. Because when I commit to something, I finish it.

Day 49/80 of my current fitness/nutrition program
✅. Was it perfect? No. But I have to lighten up on some of my weights because my body is tired? Yes. So what?

Here’s the deal. Perfect is not a reality. There’s no perfect workout. There’s no perfect diet. There’s no perfect marriage. There’s no perfect family. There’s no perfect job. Perfect is an illusion so stop looking for it.
All we can do is show up every day and try our best. Your best may look a different each and every day. Stop comparing your journey to someone else’s or your life to someone else’s. It’s super easy to look perfect in photos and in the public eye. You have no idea what kinds of struggles that person is facing behind closed doors. And I guarantee you, their life is not perfect.
What matters most is that we show up. We try our best. And we forget the rest. Go be your best imperfect self today!
Need some help? Tell me a little more about you and I can provide some recommendations.
Need some help? Tell me a little more about you and I can provide some recommendations.

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