Portion Fix Approved Pumpkin Brownies

21 Day Fix, Portion Fix approved pumpkin brownies recipe from Janet Smith BeBlessed Health and Fitness.

So...you don't see me post desserts too often. Really, I don't bake. I can cook but I'm not great at baking. Plus, if I bake something, I'm just going to want to eat it and you know how that goes.
However, I need to bring something to my Bible Study group last night and I came across this recipe that I actually had all the ingredients for. So, what the heck, let's try it!

  1. 1/3 cup Coconut Flour
  1. 1/3 cup Cocoa Powder (next time I might try Chocolate Shakeology)
  1. 1/3 cup Pure Pumpkin Puree
  1. 1/4 cup Coconut Oil
  1. 2 tsp Pure Vanilla
  1. 4 eggs
  1. 1/2 cup Pure Maple Syrup
  2. Directions:
  1. 1. Preheat oven to 350°
  2. Combine coconut flour and cocoa powder
  3. Whisk in the pumpkin, coconut oil, eggs, maple syrup and vanilla extract. Blend well.
  4. Pour batter into a 9 x 9 greased pan, and bake for 28-35 minutes, until toothpick comes out clean
  5. Let cool completely before removing from pan

 Overall, these were really easy to make and they taste pretty good. The texture is a little different than traditional brownies but I kind of like it. Has a subtle pumpkin and coconut flavor. They weren't a hit with everyone at my Bible Study but they were a hit with most.

If you want to feel good about the ingredients you're putting into your body but still eat dessert, this is the way to do it. Sure it still has calories but at least all the ingredients are healthy, full of protein and natural sugar.
Portion Fix containers (1 brownie): 1/2 red, 1 yellow, 1/4 purple, 1/2 spoon


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